
By middaypyjamas

Finding the Light

Initially stressed and frustrated my day ended fairly well. I started with my usually morning routine of exercise and breakfast before riding over to work. Throughout all this my mind was on the screenplay I’m attempting to write. In a few weeks we’re required to hand in a treatment for our screenplays, which is basically a eight page document detailing the plot of the movie in prose format. Writing it isn’t the challenging part, plotting is. While I do have a general idea of what my story is as well as the major plot points, it’s the finer details that are stumping me. I know A and I know Z and maybe even F and N but it’s all the letters in-between I need to figure out. This means scenes need to be thought out and decisions need to be made, all of which mostly involves a lot of time thinking though possibilities and all the possibilities that branch off that original possibility and trying to choose the best series of branches that will serve the story…and that’s assuming you can think of a great series of possibilities to begin with. As you can tell it was beginning to stress me out, which was also coupled with increased hours at work.

In an attempt to give myself a break from all of that I decided to go to movies after I finished work. While a trip to the movies by yourself isn’t exactly the height of cool it did help with my dilemma. I watched Bad Neighbours and enjoyed it a lot more than I was expecting as I was not a fan of Seth Rogans last film This is the End. However this movie did have different writers. Anyway like I was saying the movie was pretty good and I’m not sure if it was the rush of creativity that always seems to follow going to the cinemas or the large coffee I got from gloria jeans to have during the movie but I left with optimism and determination to plot out more of my film.

I got home and wrote, and while it wasn’t the extreme writing session where I manage to solve every problem and plot out the whole film I was hoping for I did manage to get some ideas out and have more now than when I started. It’s still going to take a lot of thinking, a lot of writing, and a lot of work but as always persistence is the key.

- Damian

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