Bedtime? Not play time

I had another disturbed night last night. I had a bad dream, I woke up at 11pm, soaked with sweat and very upset. Daddy came to give me cuddles, he picked me up cuddled me in, he then went to sit down but missed the seat, he he. Mummy came to see what all the fuss was about and she helped me settle. I got a clean pair of pyjamas on and a fresh cosy suit along with fresh sheets, as the others were soaking wet. Mummy doesn't know what upset me but I eventually settled and slept all night.

Today I was at my childminders. We went to feed the ducks. We were singing the 5 little ducks song and doing all the actions. We then did some crafts and painted ducks.

Tonight I had a lovely bath, warm milk and stories before bed. I was very chatty before bed. I was telling mummy that I could hear the car outside and that I needed to go out in the broom broom. Anyway, I'm off to dance with the fairies, grandma is coming to look after me tomorrow. I'm very excited, I can show her all my toys. Wonder what we will get up to? Oh I can show her the way to the park.

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