Why Fish?

Are they supposed to be calming? Because it wasn't working as we sat in the doctor's waiting room, well, waiting. OilMan fell down the stairs in the dark last night and dislocated his finger, yep, the middle one.

We've spent the afternoon shuttling between the doctor's office and the X-Ray, er, "Advanced Imaging
Lab, but" in the end, the doctor couldn't get it all the way back into position, so tomorrow we call the hand specialist.

Also, tomorrow Comcast is coming to restring our line from the pole to the house. We had a good technician, named Sean yesterday, who checked everything out thoroughly enough to raise our hopes that the problem was finally solved, but, alas, it was not to be.*

In an effort to get rid of whatever is making holes in my clothes, I have taken everything out of the closet and dumped it on the guest bed which Rick vacated this morning. Problem is, I'm not sure what to do next!

Exciting times at 885, and it's only Tuesday!

*when we asked Sean what we should do if his fixes didn't work, he said, oh, you'll just have to burn the house down!"

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