Primary Colors

It is hot today, and I've been sitting on the porch watching the action in the garden. The pastel blossoms of Spring are giving way to the more strident hues of Summer. Bright red bottlebrush, orange and red Lantana and brilliant purple Verbena predominate. A quail is defending his territory, and his spouse, against a woodpecker. The shy titmouse who used to fly in, grab one seed, and fly off to a nearby tree to bang it open, is becoming much braver. The goldfinches are wearing brilliant yellow vests. I liked the simple contrast between the red maple leaves and the blue sky.

It is beyond me how we can manage to put a man on the moon, but nobody at Comcast can figure out what is wrong with our cable. Once again we are waiting for a "technician", and once again the phones, the television and the internet are down. it's been quite windy today, and Kathy, my Pilates trainer, tells me that the wind interrupted their signal. Really? The wind? When I think of the hourly rates OilMan charges the oil industry for his expertise, I can't help wondering how quickly this problem would be fixed if he were charging Comcast a similar figure. But I'm sure you are almost as tired of this subject as we are….

I think my brain has somehow become connected to the internet. When it goes down, I can't think. This is not a good sign….

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