
By Tommy0161

First Street...

In the shadow of the Hilton Tower is First Street. Years ago this used to be the site of the wonderfully named Gaythorn Gasworks. That went decades ago and since then the area has been neglected. The British Council built a place here but must have found Manchester, as it was then, not to its liking as they went back to London abandoning its building.

The city council moved in for a while when they needed a space while the Town Hall Extension was being restored. They tried to get the BBC interested but they went for a more photogenic waterside site in the Quays with views of The Lowry and the Imperial War Museum.

But at long last something is being done. The Library Theatre and Cornerhouse Cinema and Art Gallery needed a new home and have combined to build here. There's a new hotel going up. Student accommodation for wealthy university students (or with parents with deep pockets)is being built. A car park for all the people who will visit. And buildings for cafes, bars and restaurants. It's the biggest development going on in the city at the moment. The British Council building, stripped back and rebuilt, has got tenants lined up.

Straddling First Street are these arches with these athletic figures on them. Some people dislike them but I do like them. I tried an arty shot against one of the cranes and a cold, grey, Manchester, Spring sky....

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