
By TeaAddict

Calm as Still Water

Was feeling a bit frazzled with work today - bit too much going on. Decided I needed to get out of the house for an hour this afternoon to declutter my brain and stretch my legs. The weather was so nice I decided to go for a walk along our local canal and for once I thought to take the camera!

It was very calm and peaceful walking along the towpath. Saw a tern swooping up and down along the length of the water, a heron on the opposite bank - still as a statue and all manner of the usual wildlife suspects.. magpies, ducks, robins, squirrels, crows, etc. etc.. Add to this the warm spring sunshine and the verdant green of the spring foliage along the canal banks reflecting in the still water - and I am almost feeling human again!

All I need now is a nice cup of tea and my equilibrium shall be restored :-)

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