Always the Sea

By SoLisa


To the cinema to see RSC Live Henry IV part 1. I find Falstaff Shakespeare's most repulsive character and don't like to see him portrayed only as slightly roguish but essentially loveable. Anthony Sher avoids this and gives as Falstaff's venality as well as (to everyone but me) his attraction.

I really liked Jasper Britton's Henry, the traces of Bolingbroke were visible, again something that often goes missing. I also really liked Jennifer Kirby's Lady Percy - a proper flesh and blood woman.

Less convinced by Harry Hotspur, way too manic for my liking he didn't offer an adequate contrast to Hal. I'm not sure about Hal. For me the shadow of Brannagh's Henry V is cast over every Hal - can I see that metamorphosis? But that's my very particular and undoubtedly unfair issue.

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