
By kevinG

It's a Dog's World

Woke up to go to the gym this morning but Mom didn't want to because Millie was sick in the middle of the night and she didn't get much sleep.

Snuck out for lunch with Lord Bridget and Kate and we went to Wendy's. I was gonna post that picture but Kate took it on her phone and supposedly it's not big enough for Blipfoto.

Walked home and saw the dog in the picture. It was the best pic I could get, and it was a really cute dog. I've walked passed the Drug House (my parent's term) for years and there used to be dogs but they eventually stopped being there. Good to see a new puppy. Is "new puppy" a tautology?

I went food shopping with Mom for the Hither Hills Boyscout trip this weekend. We stayed within budget!

Got home and crammed for piano. I've been at it for 10 months now and I still suck, I'm not gonna quit though because like it and Mrs. Eckstein is a very good teacher.

Went to Shake Shack for the first time with Dad. It was mediocre and the shake didn't live up to its namesake. Was fun with Dad though.

I read a chapter of Lord of the Flies and now I'm going to bed.

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