
By TynvdB

Sky High in Art

After yesterdays marvellous sunset experience I did not hesitate to return to the beach this morning. Still a fresh but moderate wind was blowing from the West. The tide was lowering so I could cross the laguna onto the Zandmotor. Here and there gulls were standing at the foamy surf. Regularly cormorants came crossing over to and from their fishing grounds out of sight at sea. In the sky above the horizon fifty shades of blue in the high sky. Perhaps tonight at sunset those edge clouds will reappear, darkening that sinking red Buddha.

I felt happy and free to walk along the surf. I could go as long as I wanted, but somewhere along the shore of that vast sandy peninsula I feel a turning point. And not far from there the sea made that irresistible appeal for a dive and swim. Short, powerful, refreshing and cleaning up mind and soul. Not a grain of dust or echo of noisy train travellers left. Every last bit of fatigue washed away in the flow of that endless brown green stream. Still there blew a cold wind, but it simply was delicious.

As I was on the way crossing back to the dunes, I heard engins buzzing in the sky. And to my astonishment three to four paramotor flyers (PPG’s) came over, circling around the peninsula. As I had missed already so many cormorants speeding low over the waves in flight formation, I was on the watch out and made my Blip for today. Must be a thrilling kind of sport, flying like an Ikaros out in the open sky. But without attraction for me now.

I’m feeling grateful and content in my actual down to earth barefoot practice to overcome and transform creatively some material effects of the “high” ambitions of my younger years. And I’ve told you about my deep inspiration by the Tang-poet-painter-calligrapher Wang Wei: those “Three Perfections” symbolizing already that integrated form of art, out of reach for me.

I can only try to write a poem under my daily Blip or combine painting and poietic write up. Still far from what Admirer does in her daily Journal-haiku. Or Jinglyjan in her Haikography. Or what Friedaquilter makes in her Documented Life project and in her Blogpost, every day anew... That’s what “Sky-High” is meaning to me.

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