Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Glorious Day

The Man was away today at a meeting so I had an idea. I would say to The Mother that she could put a coat over her dressing gown, a blanket over her legs and I could bring her to my house in the wheelchair for the day. it would mean she had company. She agreed to it, but what she didn't know was that I had got the computer and projector ready to show Life Of Pi up on the chimney breast. She has wanted to see it so that was a nice surprise.

Another surprise came for us both after a knock on the door!

Now, upon The Mother's decline in strength and ability to eat this week, I had told a couple of her Christian friends, on Wednesday, about her poor health. They said they would pray for her, one of them told her friend, that friend was about to visit the Rector. So today, packed ready for their holiday, the Rector and his wife called at my house and I invited them in to see one of their favourite parishioners. It was very uplifting for her. They had seen how poorly she was at church on Sunday and felt they must call in, with flowers, before they left.

So a vase of roses from Rosemary sorted my blip!

Tonight The Mother is weary, but quite rightly. A 2 hour film with visitors in the interval gave her little time for sleeping, but it is all for the good. She ate half an egg and a little bowl of trifle. I am pleased with that.

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