Family Dog

By Family_Dog


Over the last few months my job has started to get more involved. More tasks, more interesting work and more opportunities. It does mean more actual working, too, but it's interesting so I don't mind.

The best thing, though, is the need to travel about a bit for seminars and conferences. Sometimes they are interesting, others not so much, but a fair few of them take place in Glasgow and that gives me the perfect opportunity to stay over at my cousin Kyle's flat.

Such a treat. I get to walk along the river and have a few pints with Kyle where I get him all to myself and then we catch up with his lovely girlfriend Nic when she finishes work. After a hard day's grafting, she then has to put up with the two of us boring her to tears with our family stories whilst we scoff red wine like its going out of fashion.

After that I usually pass out on the sofa and that's the end of that!

I'm not sure I contribute much, but I have to say I get immense enjoyment hanging out with the two of them in their lovely pad in a fantastic city. Reminds me a wee bit of the free & happy-go-lucky days Bry & I shared many, many years ago!

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