Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Into the trees....

We were thinking Saturday was going to be the sunniest day this weekend and a day at the beach and the garden planned. Then the sunny weather decided to head somewhere else for the day (I'm hoping to our friends BBQ in Dunbar) so we had an 'at home' day instead.

We were most definitely in the mood for some outside fun today so we packed up a picnic (Spanish tortilla, peanut butter sandwiches, ham sandwiches, crisps, hard boiled eggs, chocolate doughnuts & juice) and headed into the woods.

Within about 5 minutes, we'd bumped into some lovely people who were also mucking about in the trees so we knew we'd come to a good place.

We had our picnic, played on THE best swings ever (they went higher than the average swing), had four or five games of Pooh Sticks on a little bridge with a babbling brook under it and then tried to walk to visit Joe, Layla & Bella in their camp spot but the kids were heading into melt down land.

Instead, we managed to pack them into the car with the promises of frisbee and ice cream when we got home.

All in all, a perfect Sunday, give or take a few melt downs.....

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