The adventures of Hector

By Hector

Ice skating Wires

Today Hector went on a family visit, here he is learning to ice skate with his Mum Siren and Grandad James on a frozen lake. (His sister Milly and Great Aunt Patsy were all also with us but being clever dogs decided to avoid the mini ice rink!)

Hector is a Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, a hunt, point and retrieve gundog. He is 16 weeks old tomorrow and full of mischief and fun.

Everyday he makes us laugh with his crazy antics and today it was wonderful to see him bounding along with so many other beautiful Wires through crisp icy fields. He did a cracking impression of "Bambi-on-ice" sadly our cameras weren't ready for it so this shot will have to do instead.

He is a very tired little pooch now curled up on a sofa and snoring like a trooper.

Hurray for frosty days and family walks!!

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