The adventures of Hector

By Hector

The Hound and the Bengal having a sofa snooze

After a sleepy Sunday morning we've had a busy day tidying, cleaning and generally amusing Hector around the house. Pesky mutt!

He went to the vet's this afternoon to have his stitches in his paw and back leg checked good news all is going well and they will be removed on Friday. He was a very good dog and didn't howl or yelp a lot when his dressing was being removed by the vet. To thank the vet for his good work Hector decided to give him a big sloppy kiss right on the lips. Pesky mutt!

He then took us for a bimble in Cuerden Valley park and we had great fun throwing sticks for him and watching him race around after them. If he picks up any scents on the way he gets thoroughly distracted and his natural hunting instinct seems to kick in. I took some photos but they have all come out as a blur of ears and paws as he was galloping along and his only speed setting seems to be super-fast. Pesky Mutt!

Now he is fast asleep on the sofa with our Bengal cat Molly keeping an eye on him and all is peaceful and still at last.

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