A Tree and it's Girl

Friday was beautiful. I spent the day hanging around town alone. I had a vacation day I need to take, so I spent the day do a bit of this and that.....and some reading....and lunch on my own. I did run into a friend at lunch, and enjoyed a quick chat.

Sugar has a bit of a rash on her cheeks in the morning, but it was mostly gone by school time. She was able to attend school, and had a nice day.

We got home and had plenty of time together outside. Ivy girl was sooooooo happy to see us. She had a long week at home since The Hubby has been gone to sea all week. Sugar was playing around, while I read my book. At some point I noticed it was quiet. I looked around and found my girl in her tree reading. Ivy was waiting for her to come down. Such a good friend.

Toby kitty was acting like he didn't feel all that well. Not sure what his issue is. He was grumpy....and wanted to be alone under the blackberry bushes. I better keep an eye on him.

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