Quae Sursum Volo Videre

Heddiw aethon ni â Mervi i Bae Dwnrhefn ger Southerndown. Cerddon ni trwy'r gerddi muriog hyfryd. Roedd tŷ mawr teulu Quinn yna hyd at 1963. Mae'r hen dŷ wedi mynd ond mae'r gerddi yn dal yma. Roedd arwyddair teulu Quinn 'Quae Sursum Volo Videre' (rhywbeth fel 'Dw i eisiau gweld beth sy'n y tu hwnt') Crwydron ni lawr i'r traeth i weld y môr ac yr wylanod cyn aethon ni adre.

Today we went with Mervi to Dunraven Bay, near Southerndown. We walked through the beautiful walled gardens. The Quinn family had a big house there until 1963. The old house has gone but the gardens are still here. The Quinn family motto was 'Quae Sursum Volo Videre' (something like 'I want to see what's beyond') We wandered down to the beach to see the sea and the gulls before we went home.

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