
It's been raining the whole morning, the roads were treacherous I felt like I was driving down a water chute at a fair ground, my head lights were on as it was so dark at 10am, I had an appointment or I wouldn't have gone out.
It's trying to brighten up a bit now the rain has stopped, it's forecast low 20c it's not cold just very wet.

Journal entry day seven;
I spoke to Glyn last night, all seems on track for the big move today, he slept at his best pals house last night as his bed has gone to a neighbour for her grandchildren, he messaged this morning that he was now at mums and up and running.
The removal van was due to arrive.
Spoke to mum too she was worried about the little knick knacks around the place that still needed to be packed, Glyn said he can pack them in one sweep, I guess mum is worrying about everything at the moment, it's such a huge day for them both today.
I hope they can just remain looking forward and not look back, but I guess that's easier said than done.
Goodbye family home, (I've got my 42 years of memories stored safely away) they have 63 years of them.
A new venture begins....

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