Rude bins!

Wheelie rude bins ......

Two storys behind this picture:

1). I was working at the desk in the study, stood up, glanced outside and there were the recycling bins of the 2 houses opposite casting a shadow. Sometimes, photos are just there waiting to be taken. Showed it to Diana who commented 'oh yes, they look like arrows'. She is so innocent, it's a wonder we had 4 children .

2). I find myself drawn to images that defy convention, in particular, images that are blurred, grainy, out of focus etc. Not sure why, but I think it is maybe because the picture has to have something inherently interesting about it to draw you in whereas a perfect reproduction of a scene at high resolution is just that, a reproduction of what the eye saw. It could be a picture from a travel brochure or a glossy magazine.

So, the picture is of what it is because of the moment and it is how it is as I've attempted to 'mess' with it artistically. Pretty unsure of the merit of what I've achieved but I do know that it is better than the SOC version.

Someone on blip who does this stuff wonderfully well is Circus Girl. Below, a few examples:

Blurred Self
Morning After
and a personal favourite, Inconspicuosu

Expect to see more of this stuff in the future - I feel an experimental phase coming on :-)

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