
By Rosemarie55

Glaucous Gull in its second Summer

Caught this Glaucous Gull shopping at Lidl's today. Out of all the shots I took this is the most interesting. He is quite a big Gull and according to the blue-grey plumage on his back he is in his second Summer.

Had an awful dream last night - dreamt my steering and wheel alignment on my car were seriously out of alignment and I was heading for a wall I couldn't avoid. Luckily I woke up before the collision. Whew! Then had another horrible event later today. Went to the GP to tell him his last prescribed ointment wasn't working on my skin cancer. He asked me if he could take a photograph of the cancerous part - naturally I said "Yes" and had to sign a consent form. As I was leaving his surgery he said "Oops, I got you to sign the wrong form" and handed me a new form and tore up the old one. I asked him what I had previously signed - a Minor Injuries form was his reply!

I am glad to say I am safely back home and not going anywhere this evening!!

Hope you like my Gull:-)

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