Arum Lilies

An odd day. It started off muggy and warm and I toiled in the garden, warm enough to strip down to the vest! In the afternoon I went searching for the elusive butterwort - Himself assured me he had seen hundreds on a recent walk. I went further than I intended and saw masses of wild flowers, owl pellets, fox poo and a few butterworts, the photos of which are not very stunning. They have bright green star shaped leaves and then a tall tubular bright blue flower. I will try again. Instead I got distracted by these beautiful lilies growing in the hedgerow. I wish they would grow this vigorously in my garden. I had walked miles along the old green road and as I came down onto the real road it started to rain and no, I had not brought a mac so was very damp by the time I returned.
Himself has been slaving away on the book - very stressful as the programme keeps on crashing as the file are now enormous and the computer juddering. We hope to have the first proofs tomorrow.

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