Finally I have a picture of father Great Tit arriving in the nearby philadelphus bush with a mouthful of grubs for the babies in the nestbox. Unfortunately I dropped my long lens the other day from hip height onto the road.. not a very happy accident. Whilst it appeared not to do much visible damage I am noticing that it doesn't always focus as well or as fast or as quietly as it used to .. as the result this is not the most crisp of shots but I wanted to post it anyway.
Sad news today - there has been a fatality in the nest.. one chick has died. I have had my suspicions that some were not thriving.. and true enough one has been pulled from the depth of the nest and is lying on top to one side.. I know this is not unusual in the lives of these little birds but it is very sad.. I hope it will be the only one to be lost but today I have only seen 4 beaks open each time there has been food on offer..we will see.

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