the monk and temple

No relation;-)

another possible pub name?

Main street, Mcleod Ganj.

put the wrong one up earlier...

A subdued day, felt knees and thighs after yesterday....

Morning scribbles got to an endpoint at some point during the third coffee; channa puri found at realistic price of 30 rupees, and from a fantastical breakfast the day moved quicker than I did.

But it's also the leaving point. A ticket to manali on Friday, arrive about six am...But not to stay, off to kullu, maybe parvati...And then hope can get to spiti or leh... Murmurs of unopened roads...our thunderstorms of yesterday became snow north and East...typical me not to consider the weather....But another few weeks....And if not am sure India will offer up something unexpected, chaotic and beautiful. It does seem to be her way...

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