A Peep Thru the Pinhole

By Brian1943

Bewdley museum - again!

I've Blipped two previous photos of scenes/things in Bewdley museum, but the museum itself consists of many odd little corners, some inside and some out. (You will have seen my image of the stocks, and that of an old jail lock-up, possibly.)

Today I popped into the museum for a light lunch after having voted in the council and European elections and having dropped Liz of at her Thursday afternoon patchwork group, then turned to the thought of today's Blip. The little courtyard here contains an old water pump, an air raid shelter, a small woodland shrub area (with suitable descipitions of species), some sample beehives, and other odds and sods which I haven't yet investigated. However, none of this is seen in this image. Instead it's just a small pond with the arches of part of the museum building in the background, just to portray SOME of the variety there.

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