
By OnePhotoatatime

Up in the clouds

Day 2 - Sintra

We awoke on friday to thick, low clouds and the view of the hills the day before was gone. Although it was really misty we still headed to Sintra as it was really our only day to visit. After finally finding Pena palace (some great gps navigation and very, very tiny streets). The nice man at the ticket office gave us some great advice and told us to head up to ther palace via the gardens and lakes. I am so glad we did this as it was amazing. After a 2-3 hour walk up to the palace (taking alot of photos along the way) we arrived to a very busy place. You forget just how many people visit the palace but as we had came via the gardens we had hardly saw anybody!

After the palce we walked up to the Castle of the Moors (pictured here). This castle is from the 8-9th century and faces pena palce. Due to the clouds we could only see about 10 feet in front of us; so no view :( It was still amazing though.

It was very windy on the walls and we walked around about 1/2 of the castle before giving in due to cold and wind.

From Sintra we headed to the coast again in serach of a sunset. But again no break in the cloud and it was very wet, cold and windy stood on that beach. I gave up about 30 mins before sunset but hubby stuck it out.

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