at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

New raincoat

Ivy has grown out of her awesome red and navy anorak we bought for her in a charity shop almost a year ago- this is the new one I got for her on ebay. I like it because it's girly but not pink. Went on a bit of a raincoat binge really- got her the two sizes up after that too. The next one has cat faces in pastel shades (but it has cool big buttons) and the one after that has super awesome funky hot air balloons. After that she has a nice purple coat that her Gradma bought her. Basically- she is well and truly waterproofed for the next year at least.

We went to vote today in the European elections- I was trying to explain to her she's not meant to look at the ballot paper because it's a secret but she had a good nosy.

Then we went round to see Katy and Seb. Ivy tried to follow Katy out the room, she remembered who her mother was when Seb tried to stand up against me though- she promptly pullled herself up on me and reclaimed me as hers before scooting off again.

We're trying to teach Ivy to sign 'please' by clapping before she get's given something she wants.

I sorted through her drawers and took out all clothes smaller than 6months. Her drawers look rather empty now- but becuase of the cloth nappies we wash so often she has plenty. Only clothes she's going to need in the next year is more vests in the next size up. Hopefully piles and piles of new clothes won't descend on us at her first birthday- there's stuff she got at christmas that's never been worn and is now too small becuase there was simply too much.

In the evening, I sewed some elastic into the back of my trousers becuase i'm between sizes and they kept falling down. Super comfy and very practical. I don't see why belts are more popular than elastic waists.

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