@ la martelliere

By Turts99

Landing craft.

Yet another day out in Kirkwall.

The sole purpose of this visit was to pop into Jobcentre+. The very kind man let me use a PC to complete my online application after I told him it kicked me out when I tried it at home. It doesn't like being confused, so I kept it simple for it. Now I'm just looking forward to a call to make an appointment so I can island hop for a fourth time in ten days.

The next part is compiling a CV for posting on Universal Jobmatch. When I started at the 'old job' nearly thirty years ago, we didn't need to bother with that kinda stuff. Times change 'n' some pimping is de rigueur these days. It matched me to some jobs with Serco. Only if it's possible to bring them down from within. Cue maniacal, evil laugh!

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