The Golden Circle

There is a "must do" tourist trip from Reykjavik that I happily signed up for. No regrets. It was terrific.

We started by visiting a geo thermal village where they used the natural hot water and energy to help cultivate flowers and veg. It's a very active volcanic area and they had clear photos and reconstructions to show the impact of earthquakes. It is close to where the Eurasian and American tectonic plates are moving apart (but more of that later).

Then we went to see two active geysers - Strokkur which shoots up every seven minutes, and the old one that is bigger but far less predictable.

Next - the Gullfoss waterfall (my blip). Two dramatic waterfalls meeting. Deep, dramatic, powerful. And you can get unbelievably close. Magnificent.

On finally to the National Park ( with a name with letters that the iPad can only dream of). You can walk through the rift and experience the hugeness of the plates, amid strange and unearthly scenery. It also has enormous Icelandic political significance. Fascinating.

You had to pay for the loo. 200 krone (about £1). If you didn't have the local coins, you could get in using your credit card :-).

It was tiring but marvellous. And we've set sail again for the Western Fjords.

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