
By Sydney

Great Piece of Turf

At some point when I was young, high school age, I'm pretty sure, I bought a post card illustration of Albrecht Durer's 'Great Piece of Turf'. It appears to be alternatively called 'Large Tuft of Grass'. Whichever the correct name, that picture has remained with me, sort of indelibly etched. Lew and I went to visit dad last weekend and in our wanderings by the water I spied this stump and it reminded me of Durer's painting. I wondered if I would want to live on that stump if I had been carried by the wind to seed myself there. The person me would have fretted about the future, the viability of homing myself on a decomposing stumplet so vulnerable to the vagaries of weather and tide, but I like to think the grass seed me would have more faith and be inbued with a swashbuckling spirit giving way to wisdom that comes from experiencing exactly those vagaries and thriving.

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