random rancid rambles

By rancidand

Holyrood Piste

Met this tourer skinning up, she seemed confident she would find a reasonable way to come down.

Running on the hill was in the main fine, risky areas being the icy patches on the tops of the subsid summits and getting hit by sledgers near the bottom. The pavements to get to the park were far more dangerous - unpredictably slippy or grippy.

A good lunchtime outing. And met up with some Edinburgh hill running old mates (note deliberate choice of word order there - which means they are old, else they wouldn't be sensitive).

And then got involved with some other mates in a discussion about a 100 mile MBK trip from Ed. Initial concept was over a weekend but one bright (and fit) spark tried to subvert to a day trip. I don't think the others are having it though. Saw some bike tracks in the snow on Arthur's.

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