
By JohnW

No Moles Here!

Now that’s like tempting providence . . .

Some years ago we were infested with moles. We didn’t mind them in the veg or flower plots, but when your lawn looks like a bomb sight, and holes appear in your paths making it dangerous to walk for us let alone Pauline’s mum then something drastic has to be done.

We tried all manor of scarers and the like with no success, and eventually had to call in the mole catcher – not a thing we like to do. Even then they came back. Then a neighbour told us about Euphorbia lathyris, commonly known as ‘The Mole Plant’. The moles are certainly not keen on them.

The only problem with the mole plant is that it does take over, and sometimes you feel that the moles were a better option. I don’t think we will get many moles under our patio for the moment, but Mrs W is insisting that this specimen is removed from in front of our patio doors.

(Yes - it was raining and that's me under the brolly . . . )

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