
By Angelique

"WHAT'S IT ALL ABOUT........."

Meet Alfie, a lovely Labradoodle owned by one of my lovely supportive friends and Phoebe's new friend. And Alfie didn't mind the fact that she now looks like a poodle!!

It has been an exhausting day and I have never seen the house look so tidy. Not only did we hoover everywhere, polish the leather furniture but also repainted certain areas in the hallway which had begun to look a bit worn. The trouble with light coloured walls is that they show every mark and it is a few years since I painted them with a colour called Timeless. I used it in my last house and it's not as stark as white and yet still quite neutral.

We had our viewing at the appropriate time, Mr A taking Phoebe out and waiting round the corner in the car while I handed over the key to the estate agent. I dont know how it all went but I expect I will get some feedback tomorrow.

I'm glad it's Saturday tomorrow and for a change we have no pressure on us. The weather is not expected to be brilliant, but at least the garden is getting well watered.

We are looking forward to a special event in the village tomorrow where we are celebrating with a WW1 Fete in the afternoon and a shared supper in the evening. Stogumber is a very focused village and shared events are always superb. When I eventually have to leave, I will always remember the Village Hall events where the village come together and share magical moments.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend full of love and laughter. Sending hugs to you all. xx

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