Taking a little time out....

i spent most of today sitting on the side of Glenn's bed, stroking his chest and belly, holding his hand.....quietly meditating on our love for one another! This dear and wonderful man has been in my life for over 30 years.....we've been thro so many fires together....and he is - at the threshold of the end of his life! such a surreal and totally outrageous situation! how do we make sense of such a situation, and yet people deal with death every day, every hour.....and somehow we strange and amazing human beings, withstand the hellish pain of having to let go of someone we love! one step at a time i've read and been told countless times! and that is all i can do right now. there are moments of peace - there are tears and there have been quite a few laughs between us!

Glenn was brought home from the hospital this evening, and as i write this he is being settled with a nurse and a good friend. i'm taking some time for myself....this image is the only one i took today! As i sat in the little quiet room, and took a small break.....wrote in my journal and looked at the sky. Giving thanks for all that i have that is right in my life.....for the time being, right now! that is all we have....right now!

and right now, i need to read my novel and go to sleep!

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