
By Katy8


Heading down to the ledges this afternoon I passed a young couple canoodling in the bushes by the path, and of course taking selfies at the same time to document the occasion.

It got me to thinking about the stages of life and also living in and enjoying the moment.

I am grateful !

I have a dear friend who talks about the "rhythm" of life being different in different places and different stages of your life.

I am grateful.....

that I can steal an hour from a busy day to do something for me....my little people are now big enough to be left alone an hour or two without concern

that my camera recovered from it's salt water shower with a little TLC and a lot of dehumidifying

that I live in such a very beautiful location...I don't think I ever really appreciated either the beauty or my response to it until I lived away from it

that my little family will soon be back together all in the one house, under one roof, in one time zone....

I am Grateful!

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