
Journal entry twelve:
Keely and Jaxon are staying over with their Dad for the weekend, we have been out for dinner tonight with Mark & Nadine and Ruby and Deklan to the local Chinese.
We got back home just as Glyn was face timing on the iPad, he is getting quite used to using the iPad it's a great way to keep in touch while he is at the other side of the world.
Tonight Glyn took us around the new home his parents have just moved into, it actually felt like we were there with them, mum was showing us the garden, Jaxon noticed how light it was, he is sat here in his onesy ready for bed, he knew about the time difference between other countries but didn't quite connect when it's night time here it's morning over there, he chatted to his great nan and his grandad Glyn was happy to see the grandchildren and chat with all of us.
Another week and Glyn will be home, his mum says he can't come home until he's finished all the jobs she has for him, I think she would like to keep him forever but of course sadly that's not possible he's needed too much here with me our kids and our Grandies we've all missed him, not long now...

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