Emotions - Mad

It's been a Mad weekend to be sure, what happened to Sunday being a day of rest? to be honest I wouldn't have traded in this day for anything as hectic has it's been.

The boys Koen and Jacob are sleeping over tonight, Jaxon was already with me after Keely had gone to her dancing class, he stayed a bit longer to catch up with the boys, they wanted to pose for a MAD blip, the topic today, they were obsessed with their game on their ipads and on the count of 3 they looked up and pulled their MAD faces.

Jaxon later went home with Keely and their mum, that left just the boys and Milo who was in need of a walk, we walked across through the park and onto a tree at the bottom of the park that someone a short while ago had tied a makeshift swing onto one of the branches, Koen loves climbing trees he is 11 in two weeks time, how he is almost that age is a wonder?? The boys have named this tree " Bobs tree" no idea where that came from but Bobs tree is a great climbing tree!

The boys are now sound asleep, they are in school tomorrow, I don't do the school drop off often, but I'm always here if I'm needed.

Journal entry day thirteen
Glyn is meeting Anniemay and Igor round about now, meeting them in Midhurst for lunch, it's about a two hour journey from where Anniemay lives, without a doubt I am thinking of them all, I hope they enjoy their catch up, I'm sure I will get to hear all about it first from Glyn then I know My lovely Sis will be sending me a message telling me all about their day, as she does every single day, the first thing I look for when I wake in the morning.
Have a lovey day Sis... :-))

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