
By Nikael

Do you know who you are…?

When a patient is brought to a hospital seriously injured, the personnel will do everything to save the patient. There will be massive surgeries and operations.

After all this, the patient will be woken up.

The first things the doctor asks the patient are:
"Do you know who you are?"
"Do you know where you are?"
"Do you know what has happened to you?"
"Do you understand why you are here?"

When you play the game with life, you will eventually become blind to the small things you already have done right. When you win something, you will soon forget it because of new challenges. You may have a big pile of tokens next to you, but you are so concentrated on the game and the upcoming turns that you end up being blind to the stack of treasures. Not until at the end of the game you may look down on your victorious achievement, and at that point there is no more time to enjoy of it all - you are too late. In a way you forget yourself - you can't see your achievements and your surroundings anymore, and you become a stranger to yourself. You run against the clock - you can't remember how it is like to be happy, you won't notice the most important things around you, and you end up hurting yourself and others.

The game is over and you notice all the things you had, who you were and what really happened… In the recovery room a doctor would ask you as the last question:
"Do you want me to uncouple the cords…?"

Before it is too late.. before the life hits you so hard that you end up facing these questions by an other person - you should be able to open your eyes, take away the blinding mask and ask them yourself, from yourself. Maybe you have a chance to avoid answering, "Yes…"

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