Henry Extra what have you done?

He looks so sweet and innocent does Henry Extra. He always has a smile, he never answers back, he gets in all the corners with military prescision, so what can he have done that is so naughty?

Well Henry Extra is getting the blame for causing an injury to Mr C. This injury has resulted in a diabetic hypo and a split toe nail which means a trip to the local hospital later to get it looked at.

Why was it Henry Extra's fault? I'm not really sure, you see if you try to clean and tidy in bare feet surely you are just asking for your toe to be stubbed against anything, it just happens it was Henry Extra.

Whilst I sympathise and look forward to a trip to the hospital I have in my mind such a pleasurable sight of my daughter doubled up in laughter when she so caringly and concerned asked how her dad hurt his toe, his response 'I banged it on Henry'

Poor Henry is now back under the stairs, he's still smiling, Mr C has gone for a lie down and my daughter has finally stopped laughing at the thought of Naughty Henry Extra.

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