How I spent my Bank Holiday Monday, by MollyCollie

This morning when we woke up it was still raining.

Ann was really grumpy. She said, ‘Molly, it looks like we’re going to have to go for yet another walk in the rain.’ So off we went for a little trek about town. I met a couple of my little doggie friends but there weren’t many holiday makers about. They were probably all having a lie in because they couldn’t lie on the beach!!!

Anyway Ann said, ‘Molly, we are not going tofritter away the day like we did yesterday. I have made a list of 11 jobs I need to do and once I’ve done them we’re going for a big long walk together, rain or no rain.’

I immediately went back into my bed for a little snooze because I knew that if I didn’t pester Ann she’d get all her jobs done quicker.

By lunchtime she’d done all her jobs (except for putting up a new washing line but she couldn’t do that ‘cos it was still pouring with rain).

Ann said, ‘Molly, we’ll put our waterproofs on (well I haven’t actually got any waterproofs??) and walk around Loe Pool at the Penrose Estate. That will probably take us about 3 hours.

So that is what we did. And do you know what?................................. It rained all the way to the Penrose Estate but the minute we started our walk it stopped raining and for most of our walk it was hot & sunny. It was so hot Ann was just walking in a Tshirt. OK she did have trousers on as well??!!

Ann said, ‘Molly, isn’t this a lovely walk. I think when we get home I might phone a friend and go down to the beach bar for a glass of wine.’

And then, just as we were almost at the end of our walk, big black clouds appeared in the sky. We made it back to the car just in time. Driving home in torrential rain was actually quite scary. The surface water on the roads was horrendous.

Anyway, here we are, back home. I’ve gobbled up my dinner and am back in snooze mode……………………..

……………….And Ann didn’t bother phoning a friend to go to the Beach Bar because it’s no longer ‘Beach Bar’ weather.

And that’s how I’ve spent Bank Holiday Monday!!!

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