Celebrating life

By DeeS

Eyes in the back

Rabbits playing
Alert to human approach
Though footsteps are silent
On the meadow path,
Thanks to eyes that miss nothing
And a strong sense of smell.

Between rain showers and a quick trip to the garden centre, a short meander in Curtis Wood Park, in Herne, to look at the golden buttercups which have sprung up recently. I was pleased to spot these rabbits but couldn't get near and didn't have my zoom lens on me. They have nearly 360° panoramic vision, with only a small blind-spot in front of their nose. A simple spring image.

It's a lovely spot, with the woodland and part of the meadow designated a local nature reserve. The meadow is left to grow long throughout the spring and summer, and the wood, comprised of mainly oak, ash and hawthorn, has spectacular spring displays of bluebells and wood anenomes. Greater butterfly and early purple orchids also grow there.

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