A view from the bus to Lahti, Finland

Tämä on näytä bussista Lahtimatkalla. Olen todella väsynyt...
(I want to say: This is a view from the bus on my way to Lahti. I'm really tired...)

It's been a long journey which involved two flights and two buses. I have to say I'm really impressed with the friendliness of Finnish people out there who helped me to find my way today!

I didn't manage to speak much Finnish though. Too tired. I was too tired to go outside to take photos as well, so this will have to do.

The weather will be rubbish this week, unfortunately, but I'll try and be positive and make the most of it.

Visiting Teerenpeli distillery tomorrow and meeting some blippers from Lappeenranta as well. Really looking forward to it!! :)

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments. I might not have much time for comments these days, so I apologize in advance. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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