
By stujphoto

Boutique Hotel

The Bey Evi Hotel in Alacati where we are staying earns the moniker boutique hotel partly because if it's surroundings in the old cobbled part if the town and because of its age (150 years ) and it's relatively small size, about ten rooms. There are some really nice parts to the hotel. My blip shows one of the oldest rooms. The lounge has round beams like telegraph poles all painted white. However, there are also some rather naff touches including some wooden cartoonish angels hanging in the branches of the trees in the breakfast courtyard and a multi-coloured reindeer. At first we thought these were supposed to be Christmas decorations but I asked and I think they are supposed to be objects d'arte. I had hoped to include photos of them in my blip folio but I am having trouble getting it to save my images probably because the Wi-Fi is rather slow.

As you can probably guess from my spiel we did not do much yesterday but wander round the village and crashed by the pool

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