CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Spiky and Ruby

Those who have been subscribed to my Journal for some time may remember that I have blipped Shetland Ponies before, like this one. Today we took our grandchildren after school to the field where we had noticed a new arrival.

Mum's name is Spiky and her foal is Ruby, who was born just a week and a half ago. Where she got her colours from I have no idea. We were fortunate that one of the young ladies who looks after the horses on the farm passed by and it was she who told us the names and when Ruby was born.

Funnily enough, on Sunday on Countryfile, we had seen a young colt moments after it had been born and taking its very first steps within minutes.

Update: the bump on my head will be removed on Wednesday afternoon. The Consultant was not at all sure just what it was and could not take the risk of leaving it. Fortunately, it is only a half hour procedure, so I will be in and out in no time at all!

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