Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Fulmar petrels

It has been a much better day today. We went back to Sandside Bay, where on Sunday we had found quite of few plants of an uncommon primrose that grows only in the very north of Scotland. Only a few had flowered, and those had all finished. I spent some time today trying to photograph the fulmar petrels that are nesting on the cliffs. There is a convenient cleft in the cliffs where it is possible to sit opposite the birds as they fly back and forth to their cliff nesting sites. I saw one maneuvering its egg with its bill, and managed to get one or two 'OK' flying shots that were not totally out of focus. It is hard to keep detail in the white feathers against the dark background of the cliffs.. I overexposed rather too many. Need more practice.....

This pair was among a group of four sitting in the grass at the top of the cliff.

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