Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Lighthouse at Dunnet Head

Overcast again today, but apart from a little light rain first thing it has stayed dry. We went east, to Dunnet Head, the most northerly point on mainland UK (this excludes the Orkney and Shetland Islands). There were supposedly primulas here 30 years or so ago, but no sign of them now. An interesting spot, with remnants of world war defences as well as the lighthouse. The high cliffs provide breeding sites for a number of bird species, and here we saw lots of kittiwakes, as well as gannets.

On the way back we stopped at a bird hide, where black headed gulls and other birds were nesting on an artificial pond. We also visited Sandside Bay again so that I could have another go at the fulmars. The light wasn't as good today, but I did get in a little closer, and have several flight shots in focus. I noticed that not too many of the birds are actually sitting on eggs yet, as they weren't many still in the same places as yesterday.

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