
Merry: cheerful and lively.
Cheery in good spirits, high-spirited, blithe, bright, sunny, light-hearted, buoyant, bubbly, lively, carefree, without a care in the world, joyful, joyous, rejoicing, jolly, jocund, convivial, festive, mirthful, gleeful, happy, glad, laughing; (Wikipedia)

There isn't one word I need to cross off the list above that defines "Merry" Jaxon is all of the above!! I collected him from school this afternoon, we went to the library, he saw the humour sign, " this could be your blip" he said, the quickest blip in history! He stayed for dinner helping with the cooking, picking herbs from the garden and sprinkling the sweet potatoes with them, he is just like his dad at the same age.
Today was a good day.

The blue sky returned early this morning, I was beginning to think it had lost it's way? It didn't hang around long by lunchtime it was replaced by the dark foreboding skies of yesterday, and more rain, the dams have reached their quota for this month good news indeed..

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