
The mood of the Indian Ocean can change with the wind, this week we have had strong winds and torrential rain, the dams have reached their quota for the month.
Today was the complete opposite, light winds and a sunny bright winter sky.

Not many minutes before I took this there was a dolphin entering the Marina, swimming in a calm as you please, I wasn't lucky enough to get a good shot, within seconds he was too far away.
My mood changed then to disappointment! maybe next time?

Journal entry day 17:
Glyn is gearing himself up for his long trip home, he has achieved most of what he wanted to do for his parents around their new home, they are well settled in, he took his mum shopping yesterday for her to get the feel of the place.
He has almost finished the garden for his parents, turning flower beds weeding and pruning back long overdue bushes and shrubs, he has left a bit for his dad to do at at a later time things he can manage when he's ready.
He has a busy last couple of days ahead with family who have arrived from Germany and his nephew and fiancé arriving today from London, there is a family dinner booked for tomorrow for all of them, then the farewells will begin..

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