Come on guys we have a new pool!

This litle bird was enjoying the new swimming pool! It was raining so much so my garden was full of little ponds. It is in the patio in front the kitchen. Many birds were having a party in the pool. I heard them from the kitchen and went run for my camera. I would like to catch 5 or 6 together but when I opened the curtain they flew away. That a pity I only got this one.
He was in shock looking at me. He was enjoying it too much to leave the pool haha! Me too watching them in front of my kitchen. It was my best shot I could take.. Lucky they have a nice coats ! he is very wet but belive me they were enjoyed so much. I was really surprised how much they like the pool. Thanks it was not cold.
Now it is calm hope tomorrow will be better My plants are soacked. I hope they survive. The bird hotel was breaking so they spend all the time around the fountan and the pool. Lots of coustomers today!.
We would like to go out but with this awful weather we can't go anywhere so here we are enjoying the garden and the house.
Tomorrow Alejandra my friend will be here . Hope the weather will change and we can take her to the coast .
Thanks for the kind commnets and stars about my paella. I enjoyed a lot cooking and having a guests but today I need to rest . I spent almost all day in the bed and slept a lot. I am too tired. Hope tomorrow I will be better after all this rest today.
Have a nice day everybody and hope you are smiling and enjoying my bird in the pool.

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