Would you like paella?

Hello my friends! Today it was raining all day! It was my plan to have a barbecue and paella in the garden with my friends from my art class but it was an awful day. It was raining cats and dogs all night and day. My garden and my plants are flooding! Eventually we had to eat inside but still it was a lovely evening. That was the paella I promised to them. It was not my best paella because everything was in a rush but the taste was ok. Next time will be better I think and calm.
Some friends couldn't manage to come today because of the job but I will cook another one for that people couldn't come today. Maybe one weekend so they are free from the job.
I made mixed salad and tortilla as well and cheesecake for the dessert. The favourite cake of the majority.
I forgot about the pictures so I took this one in the kitchen and it is not perfect but it was an emergency to think about the blip for today. I was very busy sorry about that. Hope you enjoy the paella even virtually haha!
Hope you had a nice day. Thanks for the stars and hearts about my sunset of yesterday Really I appreciated that. Glad you like it .

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