Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At home: Beau, his dog and the bubbles

Before Eva the puppy came along, Beau was quite happy playing alone. Thats a trait I admired in him. His brother always had his sister. Being a middle child, your always used to someone around you. Its unsettling to be on your own.

I was the youngest child, just like Beau. I used to love time on my own. I still do. I like my independence from the world. Time to think. Time to work things out. I also liked time with animals too. My family members would probably still say that of me now. I find animals sometimes simpler than people. Sometimes more fun.

I think Beau finds that too. He has a soul mate in Eva. Its not a planned thing. He was just on his own, and this animal friend came along. I think its the same for Eva too. Life is much more interesting with a friend to share it with.

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