Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


100 Days of Summer, Day 4 - behind me

Auntie Laura has come to stay with us today! She arrived just in time for lunch and afterwards we got the bus into Hitchin for a coffee/wander. Isaac fell asleep at the bus stop and we had to wait ages for a bus because I keep getting the time wrong. Turns out there is only one an hour so I really should remember now. Anyway we got the bus there and went into Costa first, Amelie having been promised a babycinno. Isaac woke as we were finishing ours but I went and got him a little babycinno to try. He enjoyed it but kept trying to eat the cup... We had a little walk and look around, chatting weddings as we went. Eventually we realised we had better pick up the things for dinner and head home before it was too late! We got the quick bus even though Amelie wanted to show Auntie Laura the fun bus. I made lasagne for dinner and we had a drink and relaxed after the kids were in bed.

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